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Angling Ai: It's All About ArtiFISHal Intelligence

Angling Ai: It's All About ArtiFISHal Intelligence

Angling Ai: It's All About ArtiFISHal Intelligence

Today's modern technology offers a vast world of options and abilities to society. Almost anything can be researched on the web with a person's fingertips. The task can be simple or even quite complicated, but with youtube, google, and other avenues people are expanding the activities that they partake in. Enthusiasts, especially in the fishing world, are always looking for an edge; gaining knowledge about technique, and how to use their gear even better. Discovering ways to increase the quality and quantity of their catch is what anglers do. The big talk in technology lately is artificial intelligence, however, ArtiFISHal Intelligence (Angling Ai) has existed in our minds for years. What exactly is ArtiFISHal Intelligence? There is more than just one explanation, so let us take a deep look into Angling Ai.

Angling Ai- A Brief History

Angling Ai is the result of the vision of founder and owner Josh Clark. Growing up Josh enjoyed the excitement and adventure of fishing. He became very passionate about the sport and developed a desire to try and pursue fishing as a career. After earning his college degree he fished in several Bass qualifiers throughout the United States and was doing rather well. Maintaining the financial ability to follow and fish in the events was difficult. In attempting to find a way to save money for other expenditures he began making his own soft plastic baits. The savings could then help with other expenditures that were required such as fuel, motels, maintenance, and food. Everything was going according to plan until, an economic downturn occurred and changed the status of hundreds of thousands in the United States, including his own. Angling Ai would be founded and ArtiFISHal Intelligence was born.

ArtiFISHial Intelligence was started in 2010 in Jackson, Michigan. At the time it was just a simple term and was based on creating and designing a mold using a computer and a program. Produce a mold to make your own soft plastic lure with the beginnings of artificial intelligence being utilized. Using the play on words was a perfect fit, ArtiFISHal Intelligence it was.

We make molds that allow people to make their own soft plastic baits on their own, made using some artificial intelligence.

What is ArtiFISHal Intelligence?

Who would have thought through the years the simple play on words could evolve and become so much more meaningful? Yes, creating a soft plastic fishing lure mold with technology is great, but the product developed into way more than that for our customers. People from all walks of life and backgrounds enjoy making baits. Some make for the benefit of just the love of fishing, some its a business, some it is a stress release, and many more reasons do exist. ArtiFISHal Intelligence, what does it actually represent to those that use Angling Ai products? What is the connection? What is it about, does it go beyond the use of technology?

  • Soft Plastic Fishing Lures- The simplest way to look at ArtiFISHal Intelligence. Anglers want to fish with lures that have certain features and color combinations, we all have our favorites. Finding the baits can often be taxing and time-consuming. The molds make artificial baits to catch the fish you wish to target. Fishing with artificial soft plastics is a style of fishing that many prefer over using live or dead bait. It is simple and you can quickly fill a tackle box with your favorite lure. The money savings of making your own soft plastic baits after the initial investment is outstanding. One gallon of plastic alone can yield over 400 one-color 5” stick baits. Materials to make 400 stick baits will cost around $50 and with the normal cost of stick baits at $8 for a 10-count bag, who can argue the math? Anglers can even save their used plastics and with a little care and time remelt them to use the material again to create more soft plastic lures. ArtiFISHal Intelligence, you want to use artificial baits and now you can make as many as you desire.
  • ArtiFISHal Intelligence “Think like a fish” - Seasons change as well as conditions. You need to take in all the factors when considering how to increase the quality and quantity of your catch. What molds will work when and where? Is it pre, post, or actually during a spawn? Has the weather been stable or have fronts been moving in and out? Is the water stained, cloudy, or clear? Is there vegetation? What style of fishing is required; punching, finesse, or power? So many factors and decisions to make. Understanding your environment and the patterns of the fish will increase your experience on the water. Creating baits that may cast more of a silhouette or stand out. What are the fish you are targeting foraging on? Use a mold in a similar pattern or create colors to match the hatch. In rougher water do I need more vibration caused to gain attention or should I use a slow-moving bait to increase the probability of quality strikes? Thinking like a fish is artiFISHal intelligence to the core for some.
  • ArtiFISHal Intelligence as a whole- Using your mind to create the perfect artificial soft plastic lure. Most people land in this category of artiFISHal intelligence over time. Anglers evolve and grow as they gain experience in the bait-making process. Gaining knowledge of the different plastisol durometers and using materials is key. How do colorants play with pearls, changeable colors, highlights, glows, and other powders? Bait makers become masters of different techniques and use their own intelligence to blend them all together. Making lures with different durometers of plastisol all in one lure. A higher durometer head area for toughness with a lighter durometer body for more action. Maybe creating baits with sinking and floating plastisol blends helps give an angler that little extra edge. Altering your favorite color just a tad with a powder to add to your newly designed unique plastic bait. Evolving from making baits as a need and a hobby in a work area now becomes a process of thinking and experimenting to create your artiFISHal intelligence soft plastic fishing lure. A combination of all the aspects intertwined and weaved together. You are now ‘Making Your Baits-Your Way’ and you can ‘Put That On A Hook’.
  • ArtiFISHal intelligence as ART– Creation, not just creating your own soft plastic fishing lure, but applying your unique style and interpretation to a lure. Developing techniques that intertwine with nature or with one's inner self in a moment. Bait makers can truly tap the world of artistry using Open Pour Molds. Unique baits can have several aesthetic perspectives or simply appear to be captured from the waters in which they are used. Finding passion in laying colors and patterns down soothes one's soul while mesmerizing others' minds. Artistic techniques in color creation and blending challenge some to dive deeper into the possibilities of what one can create. Finding self-actualization is the driving force in bait-making as in life. Achieving artistic pieces of work has become the goal of many. Daring to be different, to inspire, to master, to find satisfaction and accomplishment. When a lure can be classified as a piece of art it provides inspiration for anglers to begin making soft plastics and for others to be more in tune with the craft.

An Intelligent Connection

Feeling connected to something or someone is a necessity in life. Anglers fish as a means of enjoyment. Finding satisfaction in a bond with nature or the accomplishment of a terrific day. Increasing the feeling of satisfaction is often difficult to achieve. Angling Ai provides anglers with a way to express their inner passion even more by allowing fishermen to connect with the bait-making world at any level they choose. It may start as I need this bait in this color and can’t find it, and evolve into a terrific shining piece of art. Whether you use an Open Pour, Core Shot, or Injection Mold design,

‘Make Your Baits-Your Way’ is a connection to the total experience, not only just on the water but also in your shop and in your mind. Creating unique baits is a thought-out process that is fascinating and gratifying. Connecting to your personal level of ArtiFISHal Intelligence will increase your fishing experience and you can ‘Put That On A Hook’.

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